Executive Pastor
Patricia Bethune
Meet Pastor Patricia A. Bethune, also known as "Pastor P."
She's a wife, mother, sister, yaya, friend, visionary, Dr., prophet, entrepreneur, mentor, counselor, servant, and follower of Christ.
Many have witnessed her dynamic ministry and the power of God at large that dwells within her. Pastor P’s compassion and love for God’s people are continuously displayed through her generosity, selflessness, empathy, gracious acts of giving, kindness, heroism, and philanthropy. Through her authenticity, dynamite preaching style, gifts, and heart for God and all people, she makes it her mission daily to strengthen, uplift, impact, inspire, and draw others closer to Christ. She continues to thrive by putting God first and at the center of it all. It is truly her daily mission to mend the brokenhearted through the power and love of God. Pastor P’s boldness, courage, and supernatural faith have made her a threat to the kingdom of darkness and have allowed her to push others into their divine destiny.
Pastor Patricia Bethune is a powerful 21st-century instrument that God is using to reach people from every lifestyle. She is called, chosen, and anointed by God to declare His righteousness to a dying world. This commission given to her by God is practiced today and extends out into the farthest parts of the world.
Pastor Bethune flows under a powerful three-fold evangelistic, teaching, and prophetic anointing, causing her to enrich lives and impart life into the body of Christ. She enthusiastically ministers the word of God with vim, vigor, and vitality. The Holy Spirit has truly bestowed the ability upon Pastor Bethune to usher believers from all lifestyles into the presence of God through healing and deliverance.
Pastor Bethune's genuine love for people has led her into areas of ministry such as counseling, teaching women's bible study, Sunday school, mentoring new ministers, and evangelistic outreach. Because of her concern for the spiritual development of people, God led her to assist with the reorganization of the Women of Excellence Conference. While working with that conference, she grew in Christ. She not only gave of herself through preaching and teaching the gospel, but she yielded her spirit to God's spirit, which placed her in a position to be taught and ministered to as well. Little did she know that total surrender would enable her to receive insight from God that would take her to new levels with Him.
Because of this tremendous favor from God, He has opened doors of opportunity for Pastor Bethune to minister the word with boldness and power at conferences, workshops, seminars, and revivals. She is an end-time "voice" anointed by the Holy Spirit to raise consciousness for those who have "ears to hear" what the spirit of God is saying. Pastor Bethune never passes up an opportunity to share God's word, whether it is through gospel preaching, behind the pulpit, in a group setting, or one-on-one.
Pastor Bethune currently serves as the assistant overseer of the Greater Destiny Fellowship Churches, Inc., as well as the executive pastor of the New Destiny Tabernacle Church, Inc. In this office, she capitalizes on her administrative and organizational skills. Her duties include but are not limited to coordinating the invocation schedule, ministerial training sessions, activities, serving as praise and worship leader, and providing informational updates to the ministerial staff.
She currently holds a Bachelor of Theology from the CLBC in New Haven, CT, as well as a Doctor of Divinity from St. Thomas University in Jacksonville, FL.
Pastor Bethune lives in Hamden, Connecticut, with her husband, Apostle Moses T. Bethune, and her daughters, Alicia, Melissa, Jacqueline, Breyanna, Emoni, and Patricia Moesha. They are the joy of her life, and for that reason, "she gives God all the glory."